Glenn Williams

Who he?
Ascending the Rock and Roll ranks the traditional way, our hero started off as a roadie slogging up and down the motorways of Britain with ‘The Next Big Thing’ before cutting his teeth in recording studios doing production and engineering.
He left Blighty in 1989 for Australia where he was promised 365 days of sunshine (it was a lie) overseeing the shipping and maintenance of thousands of guitars, drums and whatavyers every year. He was instrumental in developing the customer service centre for Australasian Music Supplies wining the inaugural ‘Australian Customer service Centre of the Year’ award in 1998.
A year later he relocated to Japan where he was asked to promote and build relations between foreign labels and the Japanese market. This led to the formation of his own (now defunct) label, TKO Records and The Asian Alliance which released 70 CD's before the market made it unfeasible to continue.
These days he is a writer for music magazines and websites and a local consultant for the history of rock and pop music. He drinks a lot of beer.
Glenn Williams
Tokan Mansion No. 2 #105
1-4-29 Fujimicho, Tachikawa
190-0013 Japan
Tel: +81 080 9452 6767